Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Trip to the Principal's Office

So today was just an average day in 6th grade...you know, a little one crying over lunchroom drama, a trip to the nurse because a kid tripped up the stairs (yes, up), ELA test prep, technology malfunctions, I-forgot-that-was-due-isms, emptying of a binder too full to even close...standard procedures.

Until period 8 when I get a call that I have to go to the Principal's Office at the start of 9.  The teacher next door will be covering my study hall.  *gulp*  Doesn't sound good.  I first run through my mind any possible reason why I would be called down.  Naturally, my paranoid mind skips to something awful and I am fired.  Then, by the end of the period I decide it's either the budget (which ultimately means my demise as a 6th grade teacher) or the fact that I was going to do a PD on those awesome buzzers I have for my room (more on that another day).  I hoped for the latter.

It turns out it was about the budget.  To water it down...basically tonight the Board decides on some fund allocation that, when announced, will result in either me keeping my job (as the last one hired), or since other positions will cut, someone else will teach my little spectacular (future) 6th graders.

And so we wait.  (insert panicked, sad face here)

On a happier note---Test Prep Has Been AWESOME!  More on that tomorrow too when I'm more in a blogging-mood!


Bonnie Walton said...

So sorry to hear! Keep us posted. Would that mean immediately, or like next year? I would certainly hope at this point in the year they wouldn't do that!

I'll be thinking of you :)

Living A Wonderful Life

MrsL said...

Ugh...I went through that 3 years ago. I ended up losing my job and going to another district. I'm back at my first district now, praying that it doesn't happen again (we find out in April)! I hope all goes well for you tonight!

Kim said...

So, I'm reading this on Wednesday and hoping that it turned out okay.. or at least there is still a chance...

You are in my thoughts...

Finding JOY in 6th Grade