Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Liebster Award & Saltdough Projects!

So happy Wednesday!  I am VERY much looking forward to the rest of this week.  A nice little snowstorm is headed our way so I am *hoping* for a snow delay.  No snow day since I don't want to use one up yet.  But a snow delay...yes please!

I just realized that many of my blog friends over here don't teach in the Northeast where we have snow, snow, and more snow.  Then you don't know about these little traditions we have....

1-Spoon under the pillow.
2-Throw an ice cube over your shoulder out a window.
3-Pajamas inside out and backwards.

Anyway, these mysterious tasks are rumored to have a snow day/delay in order if students (& teachers) do them.  In my lifetime my brother and I have done #2 and #3 often.  I'm not ashamed to admit that I also do #3 still just for kicks! :-)

On to the awards!
Mrs. Tilmon nominated me for the Liebster Award!  THANK YOU THANK YOU!  It's such an honor to know that people read my ramblings.   So I get to nominate 5 blogs (I have 4-sorry!) with less than 200 followers.  Here's my list:

Lesson Plans and Lattes

To The Square Inch

Living A Wonderful Life

Finding JOY in 6th

NOW on to ONE more thing:
As you know we are studying The Cay and wrap it up this week.  We talked about setting and a lot of the kiddos weren't too sure about where the Caribean is.  Soooo we made salt dough maps!  Then, students water-colored (with my DIY marker/watercolors) the ocean and wrote about the book (rate the story, which character would you want to meet, etc.)  I think they came out great in their own messy way (sorry for the poorly lighted picture!)

Happy Evening to All!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Hi Ms. D!

Thanks so much for the recognition. You are so sweet!

Soooo... what did the kids think of the book? Were they affected by the plot? I loved Timothy!

We wrote an essay about character change over time--it fit in well with the story line. I think most of the kids could identify the transition of the two characters caring for each other... We had some powerful sharing.

Wishing you a great day!

Finding JOY in 6th Grade